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Calfee’s Workers’ Compensation and OSHA practice attorneys use an aggressive yet efficient approach in our representation of employers facing every conceivable workers’ compensation, OSHA, and related employer liability concern.

Our attorneys counsel clients across a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, automotive dealers and parts distributors, interstate trucking, health care, warehousing and distribution, government entities, gaming, retailers, construction, food products, packaging, aerospace, and janitorial industries. Many of these companies are self-insured for workers’ compensation liability. In addition, we counsel municipalities and other public employers.

A single industrial accident may have workers’ compensation, OSHA, intentional tort/personal injury, VSSR (safety violations), insurance coverage, ADA, FMLA, retaliatory discharge, and even crisis management implications. Our attorneys are available 24 hours a day to counsel clients in such situations. 

We also work with employers on OSHA compliance (the “accident that never happens”), workers’ compensation audits including coverage and rating options, and individual “problem” workers’ compensation claims (those involving high liability, fraud, or the need to present witnesses or legal argument). Our attorneys have developed the experience and knowledge necessary to have the complete picture in mind when advising employers. The solutions we offer not only address our clients’ concerns but do so in a cost‑efficient manner.

Frequently Asked Question

Do smaller and mid‑sized businesses also have workers’ compensation issues?

Yes. Most of these businesses and their workers’ compensation claims are subject to the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s Reserving System. Reserves affect group-rating eligibility and the potential for significant premium savings. In claims where the claimant has an attorney, or which may significantly impact premiums, employers should consider retaining outside legal representation.

Employers who are in Ohio BWC’s high-deductible and retrospective rating programs enjoy “semi-self-insured" status and need to protect their workers’ compensation programs accordingly.


Chambers USA Leading Law Firm Rankings

Since 2019, Calfee has been recognized as a Leading Law Firm for Labor and Employment by Chambers USA, most recently in Band 3 in Ohio (2024). Chambers USA researchers note that the practice is known to be "proficient in the handling of a wide range of labor and employment matters. Areas of strength for the firm include the representation of management in collective bargaining negotiations with unions, defending clients against claims of wrongful discharge and discrimination, and day-to-day employment counseling. Calfee's expertise also stretches to the enforcement of post-employment agreements." 

Clients interviewed by Chambers USA said, "The Calfee team has a high level of knowledge. Calfee is consistently responsive, thorough, and knowledgeable. The attorneys we work with at Calfee are able to quickly distill and interpret the relevant information pertaining to a matter, cut past the emotional and subjective factors, and focus on the law. The firm is very thorough and concentrates on the details; they are experts in the law and how it applies to the issues while understanding the business needs. The group is accessible and calls you back very quickly. They are a pleasure to work with and every one of them knows their stuff. They are spot-on technically, on top of everything and always provide good solid counsel. We are extremely satisfied with the work Calfee has done for us. The group is thorough, creative, and responsive."

Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” Rankings

Calfee was selected for inclusion in the 2024 "Best Law Firms" rankings in the following areas:

  • Employment Law – Management (Regional Tier 1 Cleveland)
  • Labor Law - Management (Regional Tier 2 Cleveland)

The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network

Calfee is a charter member of The National Workers’ Compensation Defense Network, a network of independent U.S. and Canadian law firms. NWCDN provides employers and insurers access to high-quality representation in workers’ compensation and related employer liability fields.

Benchmark Litigation Rankings

Calfee was selected for inclusion by Benchmark Litigation 2024 as a Highly Recommended Law Firm in Dispute Resolution in Ohio. Additionally, 14 of Calfee's Litigation partners have been ranked by Benchmark Litigation as "Litigation Stars" in the U.S. (National), Midwest, and Ohio and as “40 & Under" and "Future Stars" Honorees.




Workers’ Compensation Industrial Commission

  • Aggressive representation of employers at every Industrial Commission hearing level, including successful arguments before the full Commission on drug testing, occupational disease, workplace violence, wage loss, interstate trucking, and permanent total disability matters.
  • “Re-opened” unfavorable Industrial Commission decisions in previously allowed claims for lodging, nursing home, and trucking clients.
  • Successfully utilized surveillance to demonstrate lodging and retail employees were not suffering from Complex Regional Pain  Syndrome (reflex sympathetic dystrophy).
  • Reversal of Industrial Commission award of statutory PTD and award for Loss of Use of all four limbs leading to current Industrial Commission policy that Loss of Use awards are not payable in brain stem injury cases absent specific and separate injury to body parts in question.
  • Reversal of initial Industrial Commission finding that asbestos death claim should be charged to employer’s self-insured risk number instead of prior state fund number allowing for non-payment of lump sum death benefits otherwise due; led to a several-hundred-thousand-dollar savings for the client.

Workers’ Compensation Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

  • Reversals of BWC field audit findings as to proper manual classification, officer excess, employee versus independent contractor, and other issues at BWC Adjudicating Committee hearings leading to hundreds of thousands of dollars in annual premiums savings for firm clients.
  • Obtained BWC Adjudicating Committee order preventing experience re-rating, which would have cost group-rating plan participants hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  • Realization of $2 million in self-insured “buyout” savings for a major client by working to amend the BWC’s buyout regulations leading to the current “zero” buyout charge for self-insured conversion.
  • Prevented BWC from trying to recoup Ohio benefits already paid in a multi-jurisdictional dispute including a private insurer.

  • Successfully represented a major regional staffing company in a successorship dispute before Ohio BWC Adjudicating Committee and Administrator’s Designee forums leading to $10M in savings by effectuating a three-year delay in EMR change date, thereby preserving new employer EMR (1.0) and group rating status.

  • After years of allegedly fraudulent non-payment of trucking industry premiums in Ohio, negotiated settlement with Ohio BWC Fraud Unit with a waiver of all interest and penalties for payment of past due premiums.

  • Settlements of non-complying employer liability at a fraction of claims costs and back premiums allegedly owed to the BWC.

  • Achievement of a 90% reduction in workers’ compensation claim costs for a major self-insured client with a two-year program of aggressive claims management.
  • Aggressive use of self-insured regulations to terminate benefits ex parte along with judicious use of surveillance operatives to confirm workers’ compensation fraud.

Workers’ Compensation Court Litigation

  • Favorable jury verdicts in heart attack, carpal tunnel, slip and fall, degenerative back and neck conditions, tendonitis/“overuse” syndrome, employee versus independent contractor, and other injury and occupational disease cases.
  • Reversal of Industrial Commission permanent total disability awards in appellate court and Ohio Supreme Court.
  • Structured settlement of amputation claim whereby claimant conceded employer right to reimbursement of entire settlement amount from proceeds of pending medical malpractice action.
  • Obtain a favorable ruling from the Ohio Supreme Court reversing a trend of claimant-friendly decisions in “voluntary abandonment” cases and applying the doctrine in a claim with multiple years of temporary total compensation at issue.
  • Appellate courts affirmed the trial court determination using the right to control test that an independent contractor was not an employee.

  • Succeeded in obtaining a court order preventing BWC from compelling a trucking company to report payroll of interstate drivers to Ohio BWC for workers’ compensation premium calculation purposes in light of a valid Ohio Choice of Law Agreement.

  • Reduction in BWC premium billings from over $3 million to $300,000 through a combination of patient litigation and negotiation, focusing on the legal definition of “successor in interest” and risk transfer/risk combination issues.

  • Dismissal of a negligence claim against a non-complying (lapsed coverage) employer for workplace injury by successful dismissal motion.
  • Summary judgments and other court dismissals in 4123.90 and “violation of public policy” workers’ compensation discrimination cases.

Occupational Safety and Health

  • Representation of numerous employers in administrative inspections and enforcement proceedings brought by federal OSHA and its state counterparts, including representation of major industrial employer throughout OSHA investigation of three fatalities in the workplace resulting in no citations by OSHA, and representation of major bedding industry client in challenging legitimacy and scope of state OSHA ergonomic inspection.
  • Litigation before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC) of a willful citation for alleged violations of personal protective equipment standards by a major steel industry employer leading to the dismissal of the government’s complaint.
  • Representation of a major national retailer in systemic recordkeeping citations defense, leading to a vacation of almost all citations by the Area Director shortly after filing a Notice of Contest.
  • Successful litigation before OSHRC Administrative Law Judges of “general duty clause” citations based on workplace fatalities, one involving a “crushed by” fatality (delivery truck liftgate), and the other a “fall from” fatality (maintenance man). Both citations were ordered vacated by the Review Commission ALJ.
  • Representation of an above-ground mine operator in litigation before MSHA following a fatal fall by a temporary employee and MSHA’s issuance of a citation related to improper fall protection. Successful negotiation, leading to a favorable settlement.
  • Representation of a construction contractor before the Regional Director in relation to OSHA’s issuance of a citation alleging that the company had exposed its employees to a guardrail hazard by sending them to work at a third-party job site that contained a wire guardrail that, although strung at an appropriate height, could be manually depressed to a height below the minimum standard. Successful negotiation leading to the complete vacation of the citation, without penalty, by OSHA.
  • Frequent consultations with OSHA Area Directors to reclassify/declassify and otherwise settle citations without litigation (including a substantial reduction in penalties and agreed changes to abatement methods and deadlines).
  • Development of OSHA compliance programs for major public and privately held companies and assistance in implementing a nationwide program of OSHA compliance auditing.

Related Legal Concerns

  • Review of workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, and OSHA liabilities and responsibilities in corporate transactions and drafting and negotiating of related warranties and indemnities.
  • Successful defense of employers in an employee vs. employer intentional tort cases involving death and serious bodily injuries.
  • Obtained full indemnification from employers’ insurers for the defense of intentional tort claims as well as reimbursement of attorney fees already expended together with a significant settlement contribution after the insurer was brought into employment intentional tort lawsuit by the employer.
  • Recoupment of workers’ compensation claim costs caused by the negligence or other fault of third parties.



Ohio Industrial Commission                          

  • Claim allowance, injury and occupational disease, and use of positive drug tests
  • Extent of disability, including permanent total disability
  • Termination of benefits, including issues of voluntary abandonment
  • Ohio Workers’ Compensation jurisdictional disputes, including interstate trucking and use of C-110 and C-112 agreements governing choice of jurisdictions
  • Safety violations (VSSRs)
  • Structured and other settlements, including Medicare Set-Asides

Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation

  • Self-insured applications and renewals
  • Self-insured complaints
  • DWRF and other assessments review
  • BWC field audits and protests
  • Non-complying employer liability and settlements
  • Handicap reimbursement
  • MCO and QHP considerations
  • Self-Insured Review Panel and Self-Insuring Employers Evaluation Board representation
  • Adjudicating Committee representation

Workers’ Compensation Court Litigation

  • Jury trials on allowance issues
  • Appellate and Supreme Court practice
  • Mandamus/abuse of discretion actions
  • Workers’ compensation discrimination cases (O.R.C. § 4123.90)


  • Formal and informal complaint responses
  • Safety inspections
  • Health inspections
  • Recordkeeping Inspections and related recordkeeping issues, including post-accident drug testing and safety incentive programs

  • Ergonomic and related “general duty clause” inspections

  • Site-Specific Targeting (SST), National and Local Emphasis Programs (NEP and LEP), and other targeted/focused inspections

  • Inspection warrant issues, including warrant litigation

  • Area Director conferences and settlements
  • Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission hearings
  • Compliance audits
  • OSHA discrimination charges (Section 11(c) and “public policy” violations)

Related Issues

  • Workers’ compensation, unemployment compensation, OSHA, and related considerations in corporate, merger, acquisition, and lending transactions
  • Employee vs. employer intentional tort litigation (and insurance coverage analysis)
  • Subrogation and third-party claims
  • “Dual capacity” claims
  • Self-insured excess carrier issues
  • Non-Ohio workers’ compensation matters (NCCI and other states)
  • Unemployment compensation rate and claim disputes
  • Transitional duty/alternate duty and other return-to-work programs (absence management)
  • Interplay of workers’ compensation and the ADA, FMLA, OSHA, and collective bargaining agreements

Representative Clients

Representative Clients

  • Atrium Centers Inc.
  • Automated Packaging Systems
  • Belterra Park Gaming & Entertainment Center
  • Benjamin Rose Institute
  • Black Horse Carriers
  • Blair Rubber Company
  • Bridges Rehabilitation Services
  • CEVA Logistics
  • City of Cleveland
  • Clark-Reliance Corporation
  • Cleveland Marble Mosaic Company
  • Dana Transport
  • Falcon Transport
  • Famous Industries
  • Ferrotherm
  • GCA Services Group, Inc.
  • Jack Entertainment LLC
  • Jo-Ann Stores Inc.
  • Liquid Transport Corp
  • McMaster-Carr Supply Company
  • Mike Coates Construction
  • Otis Elevator Co.
  • Perfection Associates (Aunt Millie’s)
  • Precision Environmental Company
  • Talecris Plasma Resources/Grifols Plasma Operations
  • UTC Aerospace Systems (BF Goodrich)
  • Willoway Nurseries
  • Worldwide Industries Corp.
  • Yardmaster

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"Areas of strength for the firm include the representation of management in collective bargaining negotiations with unions, defending clients against claims of wrongful discharge and discrimination, and day-to-day employment counseling. Expertise also stretches to the enforcement of post-employment agreements."

Researcher comments, Chambers USA

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