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Speaking Engagement
Event Sponsor: Cincy IP

On March 29, 2022, Daniel J. McMullen, Partner with Calfee's Intellectual Property practice group, leader of the firm’s Information Technology Law practice, and a member of Calfee's Privacy and Data Security practice, and Ashley J. Earle, Associate with the firm's Intellectual Property practice, presented on the topic "Data in the Cloud – Feet on the Ground" at a webinar hosted by Cincy IP.

During the webinar, Dan and Ashley discussed how to stay afloat in the ever-changing legal landscape affecting data rights and privacy. They  touched on multiple topics, including:

  • Overview and update on recent state data privacy legislation
  • Guidance on issue-spotting under data-specific regulations (such as HIPAA, GLBA, FERPA and FCRA)
  • Data breach response and reporting requirements (including the Ohio Data Protection Act "safe harbor")
  • Best practices in contracting around data rights, privacy and confidentiality
  • Practical considerations for drafting and operating under privacy policies


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