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Environmental regulation at the state and federal level affects virtually every business that handles a product. Whether a manufacturing process, materials handling operations, or raw materials production, compliance with complex environmental regulations is a necessary component of business today. From the initial permitting processes to representation in administrative, civil and criminal enforcement matters, Calfee’s Environmental attorneys have decades of experience dealing with the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the Army Corps of Engineers, and other state and federal agencies.

Calfee’s environmental attorneys, including a former Director of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, counsel clients on proactive efforts to comply with the environmental laws and regulations that impact their businesses. The interrelationship between federal and state environmental laws means that companies sometimes face conflicting views of the law. Calfee can assist clients in resolving these challenges.

Calfee attorneys will work with a company’s employees and/or consultants to survey and evaluate potential environmental compliance issues, then address areas of potential non-compliance. Calfee’s ability to work effectively with environmental regulators can help minimize exposure to potentially devastating penalties and limitations on the company’s ability to operate.


Calfee’s environmental attorneys have extensive experience with all of the state and federal environmental statutes and regulations, including: Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, CERCLA, RCRA, state solid waste laws and regulations, and the interplay between environmental laws and worker safety laws. This broad experience also allows Calfee attorneys to spot issues which the company may not have even considered.

While proactive compliance is the goal, Calfee attorneys are prepared to counsel clients from the moment an issue arises to completion of the regulatory response. Calfee attorneys have counseled clients through inspections, responses to Notices of Violation, corrective actions, search warrants (both administrative and criminal), negotiating administrative orders, consent decrees, and plea agreements, and in communicating with local, state and federal government officials.

Contact Fritz E. Berckmueller, Partner 

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